13 November 2009

dreams of pets

i had an exceptionally wierd dream last night. all my dreams are wierd, but this one was especially strange.

me and lordkilljoy or possibly penelope_stone were at a market kind of thing and this guy was selling lizards that looked like dinosaurs (a brachiosaurus but with diamond-shaped plates along its back) it was cute, yellow and we bought it straight away. but there was something you had to do to it before you put it in a tank. you had to bite its neck. so i did, but i bit too hard and ripped off a bit of skin, leaving a huge hole near its collarbone (do dinosaurs have collarbones?). so we got it home and put it in the tank with yoshi, who was not at all impressed with this newcomer. he attacked the dino-lizard, aiming for the hole in its neck, and somehow managed to pull its heart out. dino-lizard, looking shocked, keeled over and died right then and there.
me and lordkilljoy were equally stunned, unable to believe that our scardy little yoshi had just killed something three times bigger than him.
so, later, i had to clean the corpse out of the tank and nymph was lying on it, happy as anything. i had a job to get him off and the dino-lizard was all stiff and tangled around the branches in the tank.
yea - it was really wierd.

went to see la roux last night - spur of the moment (people couldn't go and gave their tickets to lordkilljoy). it was fun - up on the balcony of the academy. it was strange going to a non-rock gig, though. no rock-out bits and the crowd was very well behaved.

nymph-newtonious has been hanging out in the filter again. i don't know is it the flow of water or the tiny bit of extra heat, or just that it's hidy, but he really seems to love it in there. i think, one of these days, i'll stop taking him out of there. but then i'm afraid that he'll find a way out of the tank altogether. hmmm.

right. enough with the procrastination.

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