18 November 2009

internet woes will be a thing of the past

more internet troubles. today my connection slunk out of the computer, crept from the kitchen and quietly flung itself from the balcony. and i was very, very annoyed at it. so between uninstalls, reinstalls, searching for drivers, reboots, more searching, i finally found a driver that is working. and hopefully it will continue to work with no hiccups long into the future.

so that's what i did today, instead of writing. hmmm. i've been on chapter 6 for the last week and a half now. (yes - i am supposed to be half way into ch. 7, but if i don't get ch.6 straight, the rest of it will be crooked too.) i'm getting through it all right, just very slowly. i'm writing all new descriptions for the main human city (i call them humans, even though all the races are human, because these guys don't use magic). it's the same city that zan and kej live in, only 20 years earlier. so it's funny knowing the area, but describing it from zachery's point of view. it's really cool actually - as i write, i'm seeing the place in my head and it seems so familiar - like a city i've lived in myself. it's kinda mad. i guess it sort of helps that i modelled it a little bit on cork city. only slightly, though - the hills more than anything. certainly not the buildings.

i don't really have a lot of news - we watched star trek on blu-ray last night. it is such a good movie. i smiled through most of it - the characters are just so funny.

i reached level 20 in fallout3. it's wierd now to find places and kill things and not get any xp for it. i'm finishing off the side quests and then i'm going to go finish the main quest and hopefully by then the dlc will have arrived (goty edition ordered - thanks to lordkilljoy)

yea - i'm going to go now.

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