24 March 2010

good news

lordkilljoy often says how he would like to own a cleaver. my response was always: we don't need a cleaver and we have no space for it.
well, today i could have done with a cleaver. i got to hack chicken wings in half and it was so much fun. i got the biggest knife we had, pulled the wing open then whacked the knife down on it :) cut clean through the skin and bone.
great fun. my aim was off a few times, but over all i was quite proud of my butchery.
now the wings are cooking in the slow cooker with a fiery hot sauce on them.

in other brilliant news, davidnarby read my novel and loved it. wooooo :) i was so happy to hear that. it wasn't boring or slow or badly written. he said once the setting was established he was engaged the whole way. i'm so happy.

right, back to fiddling around with my cv. i've been at this three days, and i'm still not happy with it.
yea, you can tell i'm not completely focused because i've started updating my Lj on a regular basis again.

1 comment:

  1. Cleavers are good for loads of things, not just butchery! Though admittedly for most jobs a chef's knife is more useful.
