25 March 2010

more random postings

do you think applying for just one job a day is a little lazy? that's five applications a week and 20 a month. maybe if i applied for 2 jobs a day i'd have a better chance. that would be 10 jobs a week and 40 a month. hmmm. perhaps i should do it that way.
maybe i'll stick with 5.

i'm so silly. as soon as i send off an application my heart starts pounding and a litany starts up in my head: please don't let them call me, please don't let them call me.

ow, ow - my neck just cramped up. that really hurts.
ok - i'm going now.


  1. maybe if you applied for 5 jobs every Monday and took the rest of the week to do other things you'd be less freaked out.

  2. When I was lookin for a job I applied for 20 jobs a day, no joke, by the time i found one i had applied for ca 600 jobs.Greg
