10 March 2010

life today

i suppose i should update.

i'm this close (index finger and thumb about a centimetre apart) to the end of draft 2. i finished the whole thing about a week ago and have been reading over it, sorting out bits that i'd skipped over the first run through. so that's kind of cool. i can't wait to get some feedback on this.
it's kinda funny, because when i started on the final bit of editing, i had to sort out the chapters (i'd had 13,000 word chapters - way too long) and now i'm thinking the number of chapters is going to double. i'm half way through and heading to ch. 15 and the original story ended on ch. 16. so yea. i guess 30 isn't a bad number of chapters. (this paragraph comes to you thanks to the word "chapters.")

apart from that, i really don't have a lot of news.

oh wait. i do.
we went to see star wars in concert on sunday. it was cool. my descriptive brain has failed me and all i want to say is: the guy on the tympanum looks like he's having a brilliant time. i want to play the tympanum. actually - i just watched the percussion section for most of it, because you can actually see what they are doing.
and it kinda made me want to watch the first three movies again. they are so pretty. i could fast forward all the bits with anikin in them and just skip on to the next pretty scene. anyway.

yea. i'll go now.


  1. Hello.

    I found you at 's journal. I added you because your life seems to be very interesting and I like people who write. I also like videogames and travelling.

    I’m not so much into Star Wars but a friend of mine is and she told me that this concert will be in Germany too. It sounds great.

  2. hello. i added you as a friend as well. it's always nice to meet new people.

  3. "your life seems to be very interesting"
    it's not, really. i spend most of my time writing. well - i guess that's interesting, but it happens mostly in my head!
