06 November 2011


Daylight savings compounded on the tail end of jetlag. My poor body will be awake at 4am tomorrow.

That could be a haiku.

Anyway. One cool bit of news: I saw a coyote in the wash today while walking river. It was amazing - just walking along, all uncaring about the humans around walking their dogs. It looked back at me as I stood on a rise looking down at it, then just turned away and continued walking. I stood there going: "wow, I just saw a coyote." And I took it as a good sign.

In other, less interesting, news: I have a cold for the first time in over a year. Probably closer to 2 years, actually.

In other other, slightly more interesting, news: I tried fair isle out on the loom. It didn't really work out. Too much wool gets dragged behind the stitches and the whole thing turns out really floppy. So that's a bit annoying.

That's all, I think.

1 comment:

  1. Awh, poor you being sick. Well hopefully you'll be better soon.

    That is cool you saw a coyote, mad.

    Fair isle on the loom, at least you had a go at it. I wouldn't even know where to begin.
