15 September 2010


yesterday we got our gas boiler serviced. today my shower was scalding hot. like absolutely roasting. so, i guess it was worthwhile getting it done.

also in the shower this morning, i was listening to phantom and i realised that it is a pretty high quality station. dublin recently got a new rock station and it is appalling. the djs are terrible. they seem totally immature. i listened to it a bit, but the poor production quality has made me realise how good phantom really is. yes, sometimes the music gets a bit too indie / pop-rock, but at least the djs act like respectable people. or they act like they respect their audience.


  1. If only the boiler service could get more pressure in the shower.

    I much prefer phantom to nova but the dj's on phantom still talk too much for my liking.

  2. That's so cool your showers are scalding hot, just think of the energy you'll be saving to heat water now... :)

    It's a pity you won't be there to enjoy it all...
