16 August 2008

the change of seasons is upon us

you can almost feel autumn in the air outside. cold, with promises of winter. the light not quite as strong as it was a month ago; the difference between sunlight and shade lessening; the heat failing to warm all the way into your bones.
it's a sad sort of air, filled with broken dreams and wishes unfulfilled. nothing left but to plod on towards the darkness and wait, and hope, for the light to return next year. it sighs through the trees and moans around the buildings, insulating every element from every other one; giving you a feeling that there is no life left in the world. only the acceptance of death and waiting for the end.
you can hear voices on the wind, but they are so distant, so flattened by the death in the air that they do not reassure you that life goes on. they seem more like pleas from the underworld. "let it be winter; we want our freedom." and the air sees no reason to hold their desire from them because it has given up. it has already embraced autumn and it wishes to lie with her brother, winter.
but for one short moment it stops, and mourns for summer.