29 August 2008


damnationfvente. i was learning japanese out loud and i missed a call on my phone. (my learning of japanese involved much laughing and music and stuff.) the number was blocked and i couldn't call the person back. i think the universe has it out for me. it totally dosn't want me getting a job.

but to cheer me up, i just got a happy birthday email from home of poi. awh :) more websites should do that. send a short email saying happy birthday.

so apart from having fun learning japanese and getting a nice and unexpected birthday wish, it's only been an ok day. i had a strange dream last night. lordkilljoy had gotten me a skirt for my birthday and i didn't know how to react. then guinness and ginger were there, but guinness was really vin diesel, only as a cat. it was so odd.
so i woke up kinda not exactly in a good mood this morning (i blame nature). i've not really felt like doing anything, and fun japanese took my mind off it :)

yea - i'll be better tomorrow.

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