09 September 2008

guild wars part 2

genrechallenge has started a sister-comm: genrechallenge art (gc_art). this is going to be so great. i'm really excited about something that can get me drawing every month. i like drawing, even though i may not be very good at it, but i just don't spend enough time at it. i'd like to improve, but you can't improve if you never do anything. so hopefully my excitement will transmute into motivation and i'll be getting at least one drawing-thing done every month. yeay.

lordkilljoy and i played guild wars for a few hours last night. it was so much fun. (woah - i just rubbed my cheek and it's so soft - i exfoliated in the shower. i never exfoliate, maybe i should...) we roamed the country-side delivering things and killing monsters and getting killed occasionally, but it was good. lordkilljoy was the tactician of the evening - i just wandered around looking at pretty things and thinking up a name for my pet cat! heh - nah, i wasn't that bad. i have one good spell that does 19 damage - i used it lots and shot my bow at things and sikked my cat on things. yeay.

yesterday i created a long list of animals that exist on earth so that i would have a good base to work from for random animals in the world of my novel. random animals don't even come into the story, but if i want the world to feel richer, they should.

i didn't sleep well last night. i woke at 3 feeling very thirsty and didn't get back to sleep until after 5. note to self: do not eat a lunch-worthy meal of tuna and relish on toast at 11pm. it's not good for sleeping. and my brain just wouldn't be quiet. between images of guild wars and ideas about animals and other random things, like random songs and directions for my life, sleep just was not happening. i have a feeling i'll be tired this evening. oh well.

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