26 September 2008

Rival Swords

I got up this morning at ten to eight, had a quick shower and got dressed and had breakfast. But as i was pouring my cereal into my bowl, i remembered that i had watched the intro cut-scene of Prince of Persia: Rival Swords on lordkilljoy's PSP last night. So i wandered into the sitting room, picked it up and played it as i ate breakfast. I continued playing after i'd finished breakfast. It's almost identical to Two Thrones, except that the sound-effects aren't nearly as good (they are quite bad, actually - no flow to them - like footsteps and weapon noises are just one sound repeated over and over) and it took me a while to get used to the controls.
But i seriously love this game, in any form. It's got to be my favourite game. I got to the first major cut-scene and i was like: yea, this game has such a great story. And then i stopped playing, because the day was moving on, and has moved on. i can't believe it's almost 11. hmmm.

lordkilljoy, lainey316, goblin_insane, claudia and i went to see pineapple express last night. It was so funny. lordkilljoy had described it as a stoner action movie and that's kind of exactly what it was. I've not laughed so much in ages...

mmm, i can't think of anything else to say. I really like this song. I heard it first back when i was working in CIT over the summmer. I heard it twice and had it stuck in my head for weeks.

(what a funny list of tags i have for this post... it's so... something)

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